The benefits of recognizing just a few extra learning opportunities compounds over time. The cumulative effect of being a little better at decision-making, like compounding interest, can have huge effects in the long run on everything that you do.
When we catch that extra learning opportunity, it puts us in a better position for future opportunities of the same type. An improvement in our decision quality that puts us in a substantially better position in the future.
Think of it like a ship sailing from New York to London. If the ship’s navigator makes a one-degree navigation error, it would start off as being barely noticeable. Unchecked, however, the ship will veer farther and farther off course and will miss London by miles, as that one-degree miscalculation compounds mile over mile.
Reading dramatically increases your odds in attaining the kind of life you desire. Reading a few pages a day is the difference maker in having an ordinary or an exceptional life. 15 pages a day, 5 days a week, compounds into adding 10-50 years of wisdom in one year. Putting you way ahead of your peers.
The minuscule amount of discipline required to build the habit of reading a measly 1.5% of your waking time will be the best investment of your life. The one with the biggest rate of return. This is you putting yourself onto the path to having a life that most dream about yet few ever experience. A small correction now that will transport you to your future destination much faster and much easier.