You are not going to believe what this will do for you and your business. Go ahead and read all of this, it’s a short piece, and do so before you give yourself a lame excuse to miss out on a killer hack.
- What gets a lot of lip service but rarely any time or focus?
- What’s a huge attractor for your business that most of your raving clients couldn’t put into words?
- What acts as a natural magnet for attracting the most talented team members?
You know, this is both a shame and a huge ‘missed opportunity’, because most of you have heard about this, but there has never been that linking so that you ‘really got it’, and more importantly, acted on it. This is like having the biggest, baddest Swiss Army Knife and being lost deep in the woods.
This will improve most aspects of you, your business, your profitability, and beyond.
Ok, ok, you say, “What is it?” What I am talking about is Values.
Values? Yes, your values.
I know you’ve heard about values before, but has anyone really helped you to connect the dots to these super powers? Has anyone ever shown you how much easier your business becomes when you work from your values, vs. some clinical MBA theories?
Here’s the 411 on these bad boys. When you identify your values, you are making a public stand, you are planting your flag and declaring to the world how differently you, and your company operate.
This is scary and risky. It’s also a killer of a personal app for ‘Boom.’ The risk is that you will lose clients and potential clients who will not identify with your particular values. Read below how that is a wonderful thing.
The opportunity is that you will make room for the better ones, the lower maintenance ones who will greatly identify with your values, and who will want to do business with a team that lines up with who they are. For both of you it will be like finding your long-lost tribe members.
Your life & business becomes much simpler to live in because you are connecting with your people, people who think like you, people who act like you, and people who have the same expectations as you.
And, wait for it, … you won’t have to burn-up a lot of wasted time, money, and energy convincing the wrong people to do business with you!
As a bonus, you will start attracting team members who more closely match up to you and your business.
People go into relationships for many reasons, yet they break up mostly for one reason, ‘values-mismatch.’ This is true for clients, suppliers, team members, and life partners.
When you take the time to identify what your values are, you begin to save a lot of time, making it a lot easier to operate your business because your team is working from the same playbook.
Take the time to unlock the understanding of you, so that you can better attract the right people for you. Then post this everywhere.
Are you incorporating values into your business to increase the value of you, your business, your profitability, and beyond?